Below are the complete details of the Charg Nurse jobs in Mardan Medical Complex in Mardan .
Name of the Company: Mardan Medical ComplexType of Job: FULL_TIMEJob city: MardanLast date to Apply: October 30,2018October 30,2018Location of Job: Mardan Medical Complex Mardan Mardan, Pakistan Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, PK Gender criteria: Male and FemaleTotal Salary of Job: Rs. 0Minimum Education for Job: B.ScSkills Required for Job: Listening, Speaking & writing & analytical & problem solving skill.Contact Number: Qualification: Required Qualification:- B.Sc Nursing degree holders Required Experience:- Must have relevant of working experience in similar job role & Interested candidates send your cv Charg Nurse jobs in Mardan Medical Complex Mardan, in Pakistan published in newspaper on October 14,2018