Below are the complete details of the Driver jobs in New Gulf Pak Recruiting Agency Overseas Employment Promoters in Rawalpindi .
Name of the Company: New Gulf Pak Recruiting Agency Overseas Employment PromotersType of Job: CONTRACTORJob city: RawalpindiLast date to Apply: April 06,2019Location of Job: New Gulf Pak Recruiting Agency Overseas Employment Promoters Kala Khan Shoping Center, Office # 8,2nd floor Shamasabad Murree Road Rawalpindi, Pakistan. Uae, Pakistan , PK Gender criteria: MaleTotal Salary of Job: Rs. 15000Minimum Education for Job: LITRATESkills Required for Job: Contact Number: 051-4854060-61Qualification: Driver Jobs In Uae Literate & nil experience in the field & its a temporary basis & male candidates may apply this posts. Driver jobs in New Gulf Pak Recruiting Agency Overseas Employment Promoters Rawalpindi, in Pakistan published in newspaper on October 08,2018