
Regional Educational Coordinator jobs in Cantonment Board Education System in Multiple Cities

Below are the complete details of the Regional Educational Coordinator jobs in Cantonment Board Education System in Multiple Cities.

  • Name of the Company: Cantonment Board Education System
  • Type of Job: CONTRACTOR
  • Job city:
  • Last date to Apply: October 28,2018October 28,2018
  • Location of Job: Cantonment Board Education System Lahore, Multan, Rawalpindi, Peshawar, Karachi & Quetta, Pakistan. Lahore, Multan, Rawalpindi, Peshawar, Karachi & Quetta, Pakistan , PK
  • Gender criteria: Male and Female
  • Total Salary of Job: Rs. 0
  • Minimum Education for Job: M.Sc
  • Skills Required for Job: Skills:- Listening, Speaking and writing & Analytical and Problem solving skill.
  • Contact Number:
  • Qualification: Qualification: Must have 20 years of working experience in similar job role M.A & M.Sc degree holders additional certification in Office Management is a plus & Interested candidates send your cv before this date 28th October 2018. Regional Educational Coordinator jobs in Cantonment Board Education System Multiple Cities in Pakistan published in newspaper on October 20,2018
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