Below are the complete details of the Security Guard jobs in Alfalah Trade Test & Training Center in Rawalpindi .
Name of the Company: Alfalah Trade Test & Training CenterType of Job: CONTRACTORJob city: RawalpindiLast date to Apply: April 24,2019Location of Job: Alfalah Trade Test & Training Center, NA-300 New Town Near Nawaz Shareef Park Rawalpindi Pakistan. Dubai, Pakistan , PK Gender criteria: MaleTotal Salary of Job: Rs. 15000Minimum Education for Job: MatricSkills Required for Job: Good Interpersonal Skills. Contact Number: Qualification: Jobs in Dubai for Security Guard Qualification:- Candidates should be at least Matric Degree Holders & Minimum Experience:-Preferably have of working experience in the field interested candidates fulfilling the above criteria can apply at following address by incomplete documents/late application after due date will not be acceptable. Security Guard jobs in Alfalah Trade Test & Training Center Rawalpindi, in Pakistan published in newspaper on October 26,2018