Below are the complete details of the Cleaner jobs in Shalaan & Gl Overseas Employment Promoter in Rawalpindi .
Name of the Company: Shalaan & Gl Overseas Employment PromoterType of Job: CONTRACTORJob city: RawalpindiLast date to Apply: April 28,2019Location of Job: Shalaan & GL Overseas Employment Promoter Rawalpindi Pakistan. Dubai, Pakistan , PK Gender criteria: MaleTotal Salary of Job: Rs. 15000 to Rs. 25000 (estimated)Minimum Education for Job: LITRATESkills Required for Job: Having Good Communication Skills. Contact Number: 051-8732252Qualification: Cleaner, Aviation Loader, House Keeper Jobs In Dubai. Required Qualification: Must be Literate. Having Experience in the Relevant Field. Attractive Salary Package. Age Limit: 21 to 40 Years. Cleaner jobs in Shalaan & Gl Overseas Employment Promoter Rawalpindi, in Pakistan published in newspaper on October 30,2018