Below are the complete details of the Project Coordinator jobs in Oil & Gas Regulatory Authority in Islamabad .
Name of the Company: Oil & Gas Regulatory AuthorityType of Job: CONTRACTORJob city: IslamabadLast date to Apply: November 07,2018November 07,2018Location of Job: Oil & Gas Regulatory Authority 54-B Fazal E Haq Road Blue Area Islamabad, Pakistan. Islamabad, Pakistan Federal, PK Gender criteria: Male and FemaleTotal Salary of Job: Rs. 35000Minimum Education for Job: B.ScSkills Required for Job: Skills:- Listening, Speaking and writing & Analytical and Problem solving skill. Contact Number: Qualification: Qualification: Must have relevant of working experience in similar job role B.Sc degree holders additional certification in Office Management is a plus & Interested candidates send your cv before this date 07th November 2018. Project Coordinator jobs in Oil & Gas Regulatory Authority Islamabad, in Pakistan published in newspaper on October 19,2018