Below are the complete details of the Teacher jobs in Allied School in Nowshera .
Name of the Company: Allied SchoolType of Job: Job city: NowsheraLast date to Apply: April 15,2019Location of Job: Allied School Nowshera Cantt Pakistan. Nowshera Cantt, Pakistan , PK Gender criteria: FemaleTotal Salary of Job: Rs. 15000Minimum Education for Job: BSSkills Required for Job: Communication. Being able to communicate with not only your students but with parents and staff is an essential skill. Team Work.Contact Number: 0923-611229Qualification: Allied School Nowshera Cantt Jobs For Teacher. Required Qualification: BS/ M.SC/ BA/ B.Sc/ FA/ F.Sc from Recognized Board/ Institution. Having 01 Year Experience in the Relevant Field. Attractive Salary Package. Teacher jobs in Allied School Nowshera, in Pakistan published in newspaper on October 17,2018