Below are the complete details of the Executive Director jobs in Higher Education Commission in Islamabad .
Name of the Company: Higher Education CommissionType of Job: CONTRACTORJob city: IslamabadLast date to Apply: December 03,2018December 03,2018Location of Job: Higher Education Commission Sector H-09 Islamabad, Pakistan. Islamabad, Pakistan Federal, PK Gender criteria: Male and FemaleTotal Salary of Job: Rs. 0 to Rs. 0 (estimated)Minimum Education for Job: PhDEducationSkills Required for Job: Skills:- Listening, Speaking and writing & Analytical and Problem solving skill. Contact Number: 051-90401414Qualification: Qualification :- Advanced degree in any discipline preferably a Ph.D a minimum 20 years work experience in government community or the higher education sector including at least 05 years experience at the senior management level. Last date for submission of application is 03rd Dec 2018. Executive Director jobs in Higher Education Commission Islamabad, in Pakistan published on from newspaper on November 27,2018. Job seekers who are already working as can also apply for post of Executive Director.