Below are the complete details of the Shuttering Carpenter jobs in Gondal Trade Test & Training Center in Jhelum.
Name of the Company: Gondal Trade Test & Training CenterType of Job: CONTRACTORJob city: JhelumLast date to Apply: December 19,2018December 19,2018Location of Job: Gondal Trade Test & Training Center Near Albadar service Station PD Khan Road Jhelum, Pakistan. UAE, Pakistan , PK Gender criteria: MaleTotal Salary of Job: Rs. 0 to Rs. 35000 (estimated)Minimum Education for Job: LITRATESkills Required for Job: Having Good Communication Skills. Good Team Working Skills. Having Good Communication Skills. Good Team Working Skills.Contact Number: 0333-5850807Qualification: Gondal Trade Test & Training Center Jhelum Jobs for Shuttering Carpenter must be Literate With Minimum Experience In Relevant Field,its a contract Based jobs, only male Can Apply for this post, the last date of submission application is 19 December 2018. Shuttering Carpenter jobs in Gondal Trade Test & Training Center Jhelum, in Pakistan published on from newspaper on December 17,2018. Job seekers who are already working as Shuttering Carpenter , Carpenter , Shuttering can also apply for post of Shuttering Carpenter.