Below are the complete details of the Technical Staff jobs in Frontier Works Organization in Skardu .
Name of the Company: Frontier Works OrganizationType of Job: CONTRACTORJob city: SkarduLast date to Apply: October 20,2018October 20,2018Location of Job: Frontier Works Organization Skardu Pakistan. Skardu, Pakistan Gilgit Baltistan, PK Gender criteria: MaleTotal Salary of Job: Rs. 15000Minimum Education for Job: B.ScSkills Required for Job: Listening, Speaking and writing & Analytical and Problem solving skill.Contact Number: 058-11920184Qualification: Frontier Works Organization Jobs for Technical Staff Qualification:- Candidates should be at least B.Sc/DAE Degree Holders & Minimum Experience:-Preferably have 7,8 years of working experience in the field interested candidates fulfilling the above criteria can apply at following address by 20-10-2018 incomplete documents/late application after due date will not be acceptable. Technical Staff jobs in Frontier Works Organization Skardu, in Pakistan published in newspaper on October 12,2018